Tomato Shiso Salad

This elegant and simple salad pairs herby shiso leaves with beautiful ripe tomatoes. You can find shiso leaves in Japanese shops. Only use tomatoes that are ripe, you must be able to smell their fragrance otherwise this dish simply won’t work.

Prep time - 10 minutes

Cook time - 0 minutes

Difficulty - Easy

Serves / makes - 4 portions as a side salad


4 large plum tomatoes, the best you can find

6 shiso leaves (can be substituted with basil and mint)

1 garlic clove (change depending on personal preference)

2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves

1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil


Sharp knife

Pestle and mortar


  1. Slice the tomatoes as thinly as you can. Stack the shiso leaves, roll them up and slice them. Crush the garlic in a pestle and mortar with a little salt. Add the thyme and oil to the garlic and mix well.

  2. Place one layer of tomatoes on a serving plate. Drizzle with the dressing and scatter some shiso leaves on top.

  3. Continue with the layers finishing with dressing and a few shiso leaves. Serve immediately.